Funny Farm, Household, Momma, Parenting


I have a dear friend who I can pour out my “MOM HEART” to and she gets it! We began our friendship with PAGES of handwritten letters, unloading everything onto each other when our girls were just babies. Later in our friendship we had long talks on my couch or at her dining room table.  Lots of phone calls in laughter or in tears.  Text messages that end by saying I AM NORMAL, YOU ARE NORMAL!

We all need another mom who will tell you that they have been there, they get it, and YOU ARE NORMAL! I hope you have found that kind of friend. If you haven’t, let me be the one to tell you…you are normal!

You. Are. Normal.


~Beef roast in the crock pot.   It can’t be a “rump roast” though because the girls have a big problem eating a “COW’S BUTT CHEEK”, so I make sure I buy a different cut of beef. Broccoli on the stove, so they eat something healthy. Cheesy noodles, with extra broccoli in it, so they get the healthy and won’t notice it.  I plan these meals with them in mind.   Trying to do it all perfectly…I AM NORMAL!

~Can’t make dinner, because I got home late. The girls have a ton of homework, and they need help. Pizza it is…I AM NORMAL!

~Thinking about the girls all day. Wondering how the quiz went, wondering if they had enough time for lunch, wishing time would just hurry up so I could pick them up from school and be with them…I AM NORMAL!

~Going to get a shower JUST so I can have 5 minutes to myself…I AM NORMAL!

~Having an private panic attack because I just IMAGINED the most horrible scene in my head and thinking, WHAT IF THIS REALLY HAPPENED? What would happen to my kids? What would they do without me?…I AM NORMAL!

~Questioning everything I do, because I don’t want to do it “wrong”…I AM NORMAL!

~Dying to just hold my “baby”. Wanting to spend some time just chatting on the couch and listen to teen drama…I AM NORMAL!

~Missing the MOMent (see MOMent blog) and failing to see the teenager in front of me reaching with out with open arms for “just a hug”, because I was “too busy”…I AM NORMAL!

~Not having the laundry done…I AM NORMAL!
~Doing tons of laundry, but the ONE shirt is not washed…I AM NORMAL!
~Said things I shouldn’t have…I AM NORMAL!
~Didn’t say things I wanted to say…I AM NORMAL!
~Felt like I was “killing this mom thing”…I AM NORMAL!
~Felt like a failure and have no idea how my kids are still alive…I AM NORMAL!



I am a Mom!


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