Momma, Parenting

“DRIVING FORWARD” into a new relationship with my daughters

My oldest took her driver’s test today. As with most parents, there are new fears when your teen starts driving, but after driving with her in a most recent snow storm I realized that I’ve moved into a new relationship with my girls.

I’ve always been one of those mommas who tried to suck up every moment of their little lives.   Hubby and I wanted to show them the world and let them experience everything they could.  We took them on little adventures every chance we could get. 

I’ve also been one of those mommas who hated seeing her children grow so fast.  As they grew, I missed those great adventures and experiencing all the new things they were learning and watching them change.  I was looking behind me, mostly being a bit nostalgic but also realizing that with each year that passed, my babies weren’t babies anymore and they were one step closer to walking out the door and living on their own,  AND that our little adventures were going to stop. 

At some point during the teen years I’ve begun to look forward instead of backwards.  I’m dreaming of prom dresses, graduation caps, wedding gowns, and maybe even seeing maternity clothes on my girls.  

So while I’m watching my babies turn into women, and literally drive away from the house,  I’m anticipating all the new adventures that we will have.  Looking forward is always better than looking back!

…Oh the adventures that are yet to come!