

Confession time!  I have a big problem with fear.  Now, I’m not talking about the times when you “walk around a corner and almost bump into someone fear”.  I’m talking about the fear that takes your breath away.  The heart pounding, paralyzing fear.

Here’s an example:

In my mind: I hear a bump in the night.  My eyes fly open.  My heart starts racing.  I start seeing shadows that were not there a minute ago.  I’m holding my breath. I’m not moving…I can’t move.   I’m imaging the worst possible things.  Someone is here to kidnap my daughters and to kill hubby and I.  (Or it’s the guy in the black hat from the t.v. show that we just watched.)

In Reality: The dog jumped off her chair and went downstairs to get a drink of water.


Fear can be CONSUMING.  It lives in our minds and imaginations.  It takes us to places that we shouldn’t be going.   It makes us believe a lie!  We believe that we are not good enough, not strong enough, not valuable enough, and not worthy of help.  It makes us believe that we are alone.  It takes away our joy, our rest, our peace, and our happiness.

Fear is a natural response to physical or even emotional danger.  God gave us this response to protect ourselves and our loved ones.  God gave us courage to combat the fears.

There are many quotes out there on fear and courage, but my favorite, by far, has to be from Nelson Mandela who said,  “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” 

Courage is not the absence of fear!  Courage is combating “the danger” and winning!  Courage is a RESULT of fear!

Most of the things I fear are imaginary scenarios that I have made up in my head because I  believe the lies.  The biggest lie…that I’m alone.  I have forgotten the One who gave me this natural response.  I have forgotten the One who is right by my side.  I have forgotten the One who told me to “FEAR NOT”, more than 365 times in the Bible!   I have forgotten that God did not plop me here on this earth to do life by myself.  He said He would be with me through it all.  Nothing I go through today, is a surprise to Him.  Every step, every breath, every heartbeat He has seen and He is going to go through each one with me.

So, where do we go from here?  How to do we combat these fears and stop believing the lies?  They say the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem.

“My name is Kristen and I have problem with FEAR!”

The steps I’ve been taking when those “bumps in the night” come…I take a breath and I pray.  I pray to One is in control of my life and my family’s lives.  I ask Him to take the fear and calm my spirit.  I remember that I’m not alone and NOTHING is going to happen to me that God didn’t already see and plan.  He’s got me!  I’m not alone in the dark looking at shadows.  I’m safe in His hands!

27983024_10155016676616386_7486328823672534067_o(Check out my new favorite song from Zach Williams.  We had the privilege of hearing him sing it live in the #Roadshow18 tour.)



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